Personal Productivity: A Quick HowTo Guide

There are 3 productivity techniques. Mastering only these 3 can significantly improve performance and release valuable time for somethng else.


It is beneficial to concentrate on a single activity at a time. "All at once" multitasking might still work on a small number of responsibilities or for younger people before their mind is overloaded with different experiences and variety of knowledge.

Know your next step.

Do not waste time on deciding what to do next. If you have a plan, follow it. If you do not have a plan, make one. If there are multiple ways to accomplish it, use a decission matrix to choose one and proceed.

Concentration chunks (The Pomodoro Technique).

Split your work into chunks of 10 to 30 minutes (depending on personality). Concentrate on a single task during this time. After each take a 1 to 5 minutes break. Repeat this cycle 4 to 7 times and take a longer break.

5-Minute Rule

Work on tasks that can be completed in five minutes or less first. The idea is to address quick and straightforward tasks right away to prevent them from accumulating and becoming a source of stress or distraction.

There is more

These techniques are less important but still relevant.

Keep your long-term goals closer.

Have your long-term goals written in an easy to access location. Synchronise every month whenever you are getting closer or moving away from it. It is easy to get lost in the daily routine and forget about the big picture.

Learn to unlearn.

Some things are not worth remembering. Take notes, references, and maybe a short explanation. If you are not going to use a piece of information in the next 3 months, it is better to forget it and learn it again when needed. This way you will save your short term memory capacity for more important things.

Write down your ideas.

Write down your ideas as soon as they come to your mind, preferably, in a structured way. It can be quickly accessed later, and brain will not need to worry to hold or remember it.

Reflect changes.

Plans, goals and opinions can change. It is a good idea to understand these changes and correct the plan.

Take advantage of a daily routine and biological rhythms.

Catching up the phases and a natural rhythm can greatly accelerate productivity and improve health. Do not skip meals, physical and eye exercises, sleep.